Friday, January 30, 2009

Final Remarks

I can’t believe the year has passed so quickly!! As our council term comes to an end, I would like to share a little of what has happened this month as well as a little of what State Council has been for me.

The big event of January was the 2009 Pennsylvania Farm Show. As council members, we represented the PA 4-H program at the Governor’s Dinner and the Opening Ceremonies. My role in the ceremony was quite exciting. Along with other commodity representatives, I entered the large arena on a wagon, and then each representative was introduced before the ceremony continued. It was fun to meet and chat with other young leaders from across Pennsylvania. Also, I helped for a short time at the 4-H booth on Sunday, helping youth make “Gardens in Gloves” I returned to Harrisburg on Tuesday to participate in a panel of young women sharing about women in Agriculture. I enjoyed hearing the others perspectives, especially as I continue my education. It was extremely encouraging!
Now that I have recovered from Farm Show, the PS4-HC has another big weekend ahead…..State Leadership Conference!!! We are going to have a blast “Diving into Leadership”! This past year has helped me grow in so many ways. I feel as though I am more responsible and a better leader. I also greatly appreciate the friendships I have developed and the many opportunities to give back to the program that has made such a huge impact in our lives. Thank you to all who offered your assistance to the 2008 Team!

Best wishes to the 2009 State Council and to everyone in 4-H, get ready for another great year!

Yours always,
Danielle Shaffer,
2008 Pennsylvania State 4-H Council President

The End is Here!

Wow! Conference is here!! Over a year ago, I was anxious and nervous because I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Now, as I pack for my last state council commitment, I reflect on such a great year the team and I have had. Last year all during conference, I just kept saying to myself, “I have to live up to that!” Being able to wear the state council attire is just a privilege within itself.

Throughout my term on council, I was able to attend several events I’ve never been able to make it to before. My personal favorites would be the State Council Training Weekend, usually a week or two after conference. It was the team’s first chance to actually get to know each other on a more personal level, which is great because you spend a lot of time with everyone. State Days is pretty high up there too. It was my first time ever taking part in something I always hear so much about. It was a blast to get to meet so many 4-Her’s, then be able to hand them their awards for doing so well in the category.

As I look back at what council taught me the most, I would have to say responsibility, maturity, and definitely time- management. Throughout the year, the team and I have had more jobs than just attend events, we have to go out and talk to, and meet with as many people we can. We are the ones spreading the word about all the great opportunities 4-H has to offer. Each month we keep track of what we’ve done by completing a monthly report as well as keeping you all up to date with our blogs.

Council is more than just being chosen to represent Pennsylvania 4-H, council is becoming a family. Everyone pulls together and does his or her part. My team and I have had a blast and we hope that the incoming team has a great year too.

Yours truly,

Emily Gabriel

Coming to an end.

It's so hard to believe it's been a year since I started Council. It has been unbelievable...and at times pretty crazy(although I'm sure that's still to come at Conference). But, this has been an incredible experience for me.

I feel like I've learned so much and I will never forget all the memories made.
I hope that my team and I will stay in contact! I'm really going to miss them...and hopefully they will miss me too! =)

Anyways, I just wanted to blog one last time and tell everyone how great it was!!
I will not forget this!

Your State 4-H Council Secretary,
Rachel Gruver

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hey Pennsylvania!!

I am so excited State Conference is THIS FRIDAY!!! Hope everyone that is going to have fun and meet some incredible people! As I get ready for conference I am also getting ready to hand the council position over to the next V.P. of Operations! The year has been one exciting one for me! I had the chance to work with the most amazing people and advisors. We grew as a team each time with the different task that were asked out of each of us. I have wrote newsletters for Lycoming County to help teens and parents understand what I was doing while in office. I have attended the Southeastern PA AG Business Association dinner to receive a donation from them. Along with the many activities that I attended I had to attend the other state events. I have met with legislators during capital days and helped members learn about the process that a bill goes through. At state days the team and I met with different agricultural members from Penn State. And now State Conference is here! My experience on council can be summed up in one word it would be FUN! Yes it is work but just meeting the members from all over Pennsylvania was one experience I will never forget either! I had the chance to experience the travel and meeting members from all over the state and this was great. As in my last blog I wish the new council luck and many friendships!

Good luck everyone!

Justine Bush
V.P. of Operations

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Hello Everyone,

I hope if the snow hit your area that you all are enjoying it!! My fellow council members and I have only one month till our conference and we are done with office. L I have been studying my scripts for January for the big State Leadership Conference. I was to have a 4-H meeting this month but the snow had to come and we had to cancel. Its ok I have been talking to some 4-H friends about Conference and if they are saving those pop can tabs. By the way I hope everyone is. State Conference is almost a month away! When I am not doing 4-H events I am busy working or doing volunteer work at a local library. In January my fellow state council members and I have the chance to attend the Farm Show for a dinner and to take part in the opening ceremonies. This is going to be our last event before our big Conference at the end of the month! I wish everyone showing animals at the Farm Show, Good Luck.

I want to wish the incoming council the best of luck. Some advice will be to give 4-H your 110 or even more percent on all your duties. I am glad I was on council. When I applied well it was like at the last minute but I am glad that I did. I am going into my second semester at college and council has helped me to become a better leader. Remember as a council member you are “the face of 4-H,” but I found in my own county to be more than a face but a mentor and a leader. When the opportunity comes take it and run, it might just be something that will be worthwhile in the end. As John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” One more thing, ask questions if you don’t understand something it’s the best thing to do as someone else on the team may not understand either. Take the green blazer with pride and joy and wear it proudly with each event that you attend! Good Luck!

I hope everyone has a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Until then,

Justine Bush
V.P. of Operations

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Here we come....2009!

Season’s Greetings!

I hope everyone had a spectacular Christmas and I wish you a happy new year!

I wish I had more to share but life has been a bit uneventful for me lately. I just completed my first semester of college and I am still completely unsure of the direction I want to pursue in my educational endeavors. As far as State Council goes, I am greatly looking forward to the upcoming Pennsylvania Farm Show.

I find this time of year to be the most difficult for me as far as motivation goes. Perhaps it is the weather. I typically do not make New Year’s resolutions, but this year I am trying. I have already purchased a fitness pass for at school, so now I have no excuse for not exercising. Also, I have a few art projects and sewing projects and scrapbooks to finish. Also, I must begin to make decisions about school. I think this is a good time of year to begin to set my 4-H goals for the upcoming year. In reality, there is only a single month left to our term on PS4-HC. It defiantly does not seem like a year, but soon, a new council will continue in our place. I wish them the all the best! Being a Council member is a great honor, and a great responsibility. This experience can teach a person much about life, if they are open to those lessons. But it will soon be time to move on to new goals. I encourage you all to begin to set your own goals for the new 4-H year as well. Here are some of mine:

1. Improve my ability in the show ring, I currently have a crossbred steer and hope to purchase a lamb as well. (I wish I had time for more!)

2. Complete a sewing project, maybe another gown or maybe a costume.

3. Woodworking…I hope to make something larger and useful that I can keep forever, but have yet to decide.

4. Attend as many events as I can around my college and work schedule.

Most importantly, I want to enjoy this year of 4-H as much as I can because even though I have time left, the next year will be almost impossible to stay active especially since I would love to study abroad. I have spent a great deal of time over the past few months reflecting, every memory, every experience in a person’s life is significant if you allow it to be. I have been so blessed! As the start of 2009 is upon us, I wish for you all to be able to look back over past year in peace, seeing all that you are blessed with. Allow the lessons of the past year to help you set goals for the coming year. I am terrible at setting goals, but this year I hope to improve that and stay motivated to continue on to complete those projects and make the changes in my life I know are completely necessary. Once again, don’t hesitate to set your 4-H goals and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you all at the Farm Show!

Yours in green,

Danielle Shaffer

PS4-HC President

Monday, December 29, 2008

The End Is Near!

I’m really not sure if the end being near is a good thing, or a bad thing, though. I like to think of it as a bitter-sweet ending. My term in Pennsylvania 4-H State Council was more than anyone could ever ask for. I made friends that I’ll keep forever, met very intelligent and interesting people, and most importantly got to work with three great advisors, from whom I’ve learn so much from. Mostly, I learned that hard work will get you far and not to procrastinate.

This year, I was able to attend the State Leadership Conference, which I’ve never been to before. I started off my year there learning what it takes to be a great leader. At the end of the weekend I was inducted, and was given one of those unforgettable green jackets. My term just started, and I had so much to learn; I did most of my learning the next weekend at training for the “seven chosen teens”. It was a weekend I’ll never forget! I was all excited to miss a little bit of school and be at a 4-H event, but that weekend I learned that being a leader isn’t all fun and games! It is usually fun, but also does require hard work, a lot of time, and very long days, sometimes.

I also got to attend State Capital Days. This was the group’s first “appearance” as a team. I know I had a blast spending time with other 4-Hers interested in congress, we even had to pass our own bill; that sure was an experience in itself! As the summer rolled around, we all headed home to our own counties and regions. I was a camp counselor at my regional overnight camp, as well as Westmoreland County’s day camp. Both were a blast like always, but I’ll never ever forget my canoe trip at day camp. My canoe was the first to go out and all the others started going the other way, so I got out and pulled the boat through rapids, only to find out that we were indeed the ones going the right way. Everyone laughed about that for days!

I think my favorite new experience this year was State Days, because I’ve always wanted to go and take part in some of the contests, but I couldn’t because it always seemed to be during my family’s vacation week. This year I was not a contestant, but that didn’t really matter. I got to start the event off by having a blast, as we performed our “Olympic Skit” in the Eisenhower Auditorium. It was such a blast!! I loved being up on the huge stage, and I think the performance really got everyone pumped. It was sad to see the week come to an end, but great to see how well everyone did.

Now as I finish up my year, I get to have dinner with the governor at the beginning of January. I cannot wait, it’s not like everyone can say they ate with the governor. I’ll also take part in the opening ceremonies for the Pennsylvania Farm Show. Then at the end of the month, my team and I will get to showcase all of our hard work at the 2009 State Leadership Conference. I think saying I’m excited would be an understatement. I hope many people who’ve gone before decide to come again, as well as seeing many new faces.

That’s all for me in the year 2008! I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year and see you at SLC!!

Emily Gabriel

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hey 4-Her's

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the holiday season!!I know after Thanksgiving I will be heading off to Atlanta for the National 4-H Congress along with a few others from the state and around the Nation.I believe we will be doing some things similar to our Leadership Conference only on a much larger scale. We will be meeting lots of new people, participating in workshops, but also getting to see the city of Atlanta. I don't know a whole lot else about it but I will be sure to let you know when I return.

Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving
Your Secretary,

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The End is Near

WOW!! To think that I have only two short months left of being a council member, it’s unbelievable. I have learned so much from being chosen as a council member. I have learned so many more things about the 4-H program, as well as realizing many new things about myself. I often like to think that council helped me mature during this sweet sixteen year of mine.

Pennsylvania 4-H State Council is much more time- consuming than anyone could ever imagine. I think that it really helped to prepare me for my future college life. During my term, I relied on my parents less and less to help me through assignments. They did not need to remind me about upcoming events. Throughout the term, my advisors helped me learn that excuses can only get you so far. You need to get your work done, and done on time. Whenever I’m talking about excuses, I always like to throw this one little quote out there, something that my favorite teacher used to say: “Excuses are like bellybuttons, everyone has one.” You should try to memorize this quote, and try not to make excuses. Council is much more than “being the face of 4-H”, it’s an experience like no other. Words can not even explain all of the opportunities one may be offered.

Some advice for any incoming council member, you must prepare yourself for the most amazing year of your life. But also be ready to put 110 percent of the work in. You will really thank yourself later. Any PA 4-Hers should come up and talk to someone in one of those one of a kind green blazers. I promise we don’t bite. Ask us what we’ve been up to, and how you can become more involved. Ask us anything that you are possibly wondering about; I’m sure one of us will have an answer.

Happy Holidays Everyone!
Emily Gabriel


Hello Everyone,

I hope this cold weather is treating everyone okay. November has been one busy month for me. Council and I had our phone conference this month. We finished up the last plans for state conference and talked about Farm Show. On November 7th I had the chance to attend a Harvest Party of the Ag people. The Southeastern PA AG Business Association was generous enough to give 4-H money and I was the representative. I was also able to attend Lycoming County’s 4-H Can Skate. I was able to help hand out the awards to the members and enjoy a night of skating. At this event I gave Lycoming County Council a certificate of appreciation and I gave Ev Simmons a little gift of thanks for helping me through the year. I have been busy collecting pop tabs and studying my lines for conference. I hope you all are excited for State Leadership Conference as my fellow council members and I are.

Till next time,

Justine Bush
V.P of Operations